11 November 2008

'der Blick' in Fassbinder's Angst essen Seele auf

though there may be those who disagree with me...

Rainer Werner Fassbinder's Angst essen Seele auf (Ali: Fear Eats the Soul) is first and foremost about 'the gaze' (this isn't a perfect translation of der Blick, which might be thought of as something like 'the glance', but 'gaze' is familiar to us. 'Blick' also means something like view or way of seeing, but all this and more {vista?} fits into the term, but let's just agree to refer to it as 'der Blick'. While we're on the idea of vocabulary, we might, instead, use the German term Anschau, which, again, is something like Blick, something like gaze, but also related to point of view...).

*   *   *

[October 2017]
I haven't any clue what this post was going to be about.  Given the level of parenthetical in just the preamble, i think its scope must have been large.

I post it as found, because i think the Germanic translation nuance may be useful someday to someone.


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