I have the privilege today to be taking part in what I expect will soon become the hottest new trend in remote work and a bold new path in the search for true work life balance, the Canoebicle.
As work itself has become more and more absurd, with the very latest trends of the corporate landscape^ on the one hand beginning to mimic the trappings of the educational system that many of the trendier employees have so recently left behind, while at the same time seeking to fulfil a kind of performative community of woke third space, the need arises to find creative and restorative outlets for working in your own context.
I have been a long time advocate for the Work-From-Canoe lifestyle as an option, to allow people a better work / canoe balance. I am glad that, at last, Leinenkugel's has decided to recognize this important demographic.Having been a pioneer in Work-From-Beach, Work-From-Motor-Boat-With-Questionable-Fuel-Line, Work-From-In-Laws'-Driveway, and Work-From-Bar lifestyles long before it was made all the rage by the COVID-19 Pandemic, I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of this bold new experiment.
^ I know I know what you're all thinking is that, "Joel, you don't really have a real job anymore do you? And haven't had for a few years now? Who are you to critique working conditions in America?" And while this may be technically true, in the overeducated white middle class sense that I have not been invited back into the corporate life after my untimely demise, I am still an observer of the lifestyle (that is, having jobs), and I feel connected to the current moment of work