Whenever i am asked to produce for someone my favorite movie, song, singer or book i find myself at a loss... Generally i make something up, and i have my 'standard' answers like Say Anything, "Rain King", Darius Rucker, and House of Leaves, i never really mean these answers... Alternately, i tell people that my favorite book (song, movie) is whatever i'm reading right now... which is true & not true, simultaneously.
In High Fidelity (the film, sadly i've not yet gotten around to the book), Rob Gordon (John Cusack, also my favorite... except for Johnny Depp) is posed the question, "What's your favorite song?" and he doesn't even try to anwer, he instead points out that a favorite is a momentary thing, that a favorite depends on your mood, setting or intentions (Say Anything was especially my favorite in high school when i was heading over to some girls house to watch a movie... "Oh really, you've never seen it?" I'd say. "It's my favorite." (grins seductively)).
Gordon's solution to this dependent favorite is the Top Five lists. And so, i introduce to my nascent blog a variant on these lists, the Last Five, an arbitrary list of media i'm currently consuming, books that i just finished, movies i watched, or songs/albums that i really listened to as opposed to had on...
I hope it provides a small window into my daily existence & points you in interesting directions... Keep in mind, the list in no way advocates for these pieces, they may be terrible, but i've always been of the firm belief that there is as much, if not more, to be glearned (that's right, glearned) from bad moviesbooksmusic as there is from the good ones...
So read on, party people...
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