There's nothing that brings a moderately well told personal anecdote to life like a hastily snapped photograph. My lack of a camera is, i realize, the first hiccup in my young blog, because any time i'm telling a story from my daily life, i will have to find semi-related photos, stock photos (see below), or google image-search photos to supplement my story. I feel like i'm working with one hand tied behind my back... A blogger without a digital camera is like a gopher without a hole, a cheese sandwich without a grill(ing process), a Jägermeister Coke without a cube of raw potato...

(for example, whenever i tell any stories about Edgar Allen Poe, i'll have to use this stock photo every single time rather than being able to snap a new photo for each new occasion... so disappointing)
But, for now i'll just have to make due & work doubly hard at relating my stories to the random images i happen to come across...
today, my professor was wearing a Sesame Street t-shirt. v.cool
Now if you'd said "essential tools of the blog" and left it unqualified, we'd be in business. Theoretical business. As for terms, I can offer you none that don't come with a tiresome sermon, and no one wants that.
Ooo, but you can say blogosphere now. I like that one; pisses off some bloggers to no end that it was coined as a joke.
I see the pictures becoming an Arrested Development thing. Or you rationalizing your way to a shiny camera. The cards are vague and mysterious...
Thanks dan, for your valuable insights... (do you mean an arrested development thing in the tv show way or the early 90s band way? {or some real non-pop culture way i don't even know about}).
If this sort of direct address of a presumed reader (a blogocallingout {maybe you can find a better for it [how about a section on parentheses]}) is something that will help you in your work, let me know & i will try to do it regularly (and then i can erase this comment when you cite me, so we don't "blow your cover").
jäg & coke with a potato cube - right. I don't entirely believe it myself, & the jägermeister website seems not to suggest it, but it is what i was told by an actual German who drank a lot (a lot) of them...
Is there a kitchen device that cuts whole potatoes into smal quarter inch cubes?
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