02 September 2009

Kennedy & Corleone

Over the last week or so, two media have acted as a sort of touch-stone of my little life - one is the coverage and instant memorialization of Ted Kennedy (Brooke just recently decided she was "in to" the Kennedys) and the Wii game The Godfather: Blackhand Edition.

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November 2017:
I remember when i had this idea for a post, but don't remember the exact parallel i had intended.  It's now been several years since i've played the godfather game, but i do recall that i wished that game had more functionality for favors.  The economy of favors is an underlying part of the mafia economy (at least the fictional mafia economy).

Favors are also a central function of the economy of wealth and power.  The back-scratch economy as opposed to favors held over the threat of violence, but the principle is the same.  

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