Now watching in the Star Wars Universe (The Force Awakens is on Starz! of all places), and it seems that TIM! (Domhnall Gleeson, it turns out, is this fellow's name - but to me he's always a Tim) is an actor portraying a First Order leader.

"We can't keep"... is the theme here. It seems that Hillary will most likely be elected, and though I don't expect I will vote for her (Green Party currently holds my vote unless Hil starts changing her tune), I will be happy when she wins. And that win will continue the path of incremental, mildly left-leaning progress. And I think that means a slowed-down, incremental move toward economic and ecologic disaster.
It's hard to think historically and think well about the present - that is, I know intellectually, that Western humans need a breach in order to regulate. Changing tactics (re-instituting a progressive tax system, joining the rest of the world with a single payer health care plan, cap & trade {or any number of ecological half measures}) won't fix the world. There needs to be a shift in strategy.