I am completely finished. And hoping to keep going... endlessly. I never want to give up schooling. I will just plan to continue collecting degrees of various ... degrees until the world comes to an end (zombie-related or otherwise).
The same day as i was released from university life the World Cup started... so instead of being glued to my books & laptop, i'm hooked on ESPN & ABC... The World Cup is the only world-stage type event in which i find myself cheering for the U.S. With most sports we're so self-assured and self-absorbed that i hate US, but with soccer, we're actually underdogs... and it's such a wordly sport that we could never become dominant & generally suck, so it's fun to actually root for us...
Go US. Go Us, go us.
hey thanks. feels pretty good.
i have a hard time believing you picked that picture over the ones i took.
this isn't the one you took? Well, this one is inspired by the one you took at least.
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